FAQ - Technical issues

I can't see the card editing interface

I made the mistake of writing the card UI with a UI framework based on not-yet widespread technology instead of one that is known to be supported by all browsers due to my own anxieties about the technical book-keeping I had to do manually with i.e. React-js. I aim to make sure backwards compatibility tools are used at some point but that involves more tinkering. In the meantime, if you're able to upgrade to a browser that supports wasm I suggest you do, otherwise ask a friend to generate the proxy sheets for you.

I don't see a generated PDF

Pop-ups might be disabled, enabling them for this site may help. If not, ask a friend to generate the PDF for you.

The PDF only shows an empty template

This is a known issue with the Safari browser and the code for whatever reason not waiting for assets to be downloaded before rendering the PDF. If you try and render the page again after a failed PDF generation, it might work that time. I would suggest using a different browser at this time for consistency (i.e. firefox), but know that this is on my radar for fixing.

My browser crashes when generating a PDF

Your browser might be running out of memory, consider splitting up your card list into smaller card lists and generating those one at a time. Otherwise, ask a friend to generate the PDF for you.